Handsome And Talented Kellan Lutz
I'll admit that I don't often follow popular culture. For instance, I'm not into Harry Potter, I don't watch Glee unless I'm drunk or feeling especially camp, and I don't understand what all the fuss is about when it comes to Twilight.
I might be a little alternative, but I'm not an emo, and it seems that you need to be to understand a lot of it. lol
Still, having seen this hot young dude and discovering that he's one of the stars of Twilight, I might just be persuaded to check it out!
I'm not all that familiar with the guy, but after a little reading up it seems that he's another of those all-round talented guys, being a model and an actor of the screen and stage too! He seems to get around quite a bit, appearing in so many TV shows, on stage, in music videos and in front of the cameras for brands like Calvin Klein.
It should be no surprise that with a body like that he's extremely active, and from what I've read there isn't an activity or sport he's not enjoying. And he mixes all that in with charitable work for PETA and rebuilding efforts for areas of New Orleans.
So he's talented, very hot, very busy, and seemingly extremely sweet too. I want one! :)

Definitely a studly kind of man.
SEXY..WHERE IS THE SUNSCREEN Kellan & a REDHEAD??..in Australia, they are so big on sunscreen cause 1:3 people get skin Cancer….but I also saw him smoking on a set..so he’s learning???
Glad I found this post, HOT!