Handsome And Smooth Luis Alberto Montero Looks Good In Underwear

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We saw Luis Alberto Montero in a shoot by Jason Oung back in February, and while that one was sexy and seductive I think this collection of photos is probably going to be getting more attention from you guys.

That's your cue to leave a comment and say something nice about him :)

He's such a fit guy, so good looking too, but that underwear bulge leaves us all wanting a lot more of the guy, and wearing less.

I don't know if we're gonna get anything like that in the future from the guy, he seems like one of those guys who loves to tease with the suggestion of more but I so far we haven't seen it.

Then again, I don't mind too much as long as we keep getting sexy shoots like this one.

It seems as though he's only been in a few photo shoots so far, but given how popular he's becoming I can pretty much guarantee we're gonna be enjoying more of him this year.

Bring it on, but get rid of the underwear lol

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