Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol

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There are so many different kinds of men I love, and I share all sorts of guys on the blog with you all, but those of you who are regular readers will probably know that I have a special affinity for guys who look a little rough around the edges by are so obviously handsome and sexy underneath.

Simone Bredariol is most definitely one of those guys.

I found him out on the net today after a friend of mine sent me one image of the guy in an email from a new shoot he's been in for Michael Del Buono. Those are the first couple of shots, but I was soon out there looking for more.

He really is incredibly handsome, and he has a hot body without all that gym-toned muscle that you might expect from so many other guys in the business. This is the kind of guy I can imagine would be into all the kinds of things I love to do, and he doesn't look like the kind of man so involved in his own image. Maybe it's all about perception, but it makes him even sexier in my opinion.

I did look for some more nude shots of the handsome hunk out there, but alas he seems to be a tease ;)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (1)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (2)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (3)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (4)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (5)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (6)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (7)

Handsome And Rugged Simone Bredariol (8)

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