Handsome And Hung Michael Yerger Is Back

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We've seen this handsome and hung stud so many times here on the blog, and with good reason.

Michael Yerger is one of the most attractive men on the planet. I don't think that's an extreme position to hold.

Sure, we all have our own different tastes in guys, but this handsome stud has mass appeal.

And speaking of mass...

While I don't think we've ever seen his cock on full display, we've seen enough of his impressive bulge to know he's packing some serious inches between those legs.

And with that handsome face and damn fine body, that makes him the full package.

He's got a real sexy attitude, too.

I'm actually surprised he hasn't been totally nude for a shoot yet, or if he has it's been carefully edited to protect his modesty.

We've come close to seeing him totally naked a few times, but I'm waiting for the day when he teams up with a real erotic photographer to deliver a jack off solo shoot or something similar.

I can definitely imagine that happening.

In the meantime we get to enjoy him showing off that big package and being a damn fine handsome and hung dude.

Drop a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Have a great Thursday!

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3 months ago

quelques clichés convenables !

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