Handsome And Hairy Model Kramer Evans In Underwear!

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As an introduction to a new handsome and hairy model, this shoot definitely does the trick.

This sexy guy is Kramer Evans, and it seems he might be pretty new to the business of posing for photographers. The earliest shoot I could find was from 2023.

I might be getting ahead of things a little, but I can totally imagine this handsome man getting some good jobs with some major brands.

This shoot by Wilf Photography shows him off in a great light, with an outdoor shoot of the handsome and hairy model posing in his underwear.

I know you already want to see him without those briefs, but I think we not far from that. After checking out his socials it seems he has posed nude for a few photographers.

We might not get a dick pic just yet, but he's clearly not shy about getting naked for the lens.

As for where he's from and what he's into, I think he might be from Texas. The aspiring actor and model is all about fashion and fitness, becoming something of an influencer.

I know, I hate that word too. Still, I think I'll be following him in the hopes of seeing more shoots this year.

Check him out. Hit the thumbs-up button. Drop a comment if you want more!

Have a great Saturday, see you back here tomorrow for more.

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2 months ago

le slip et le mannequin sont fatigués, mais l’ensemble promet ou pas : question de goût

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