Handsome And Hairy Hunk Ben Todd
If the last post of porn didn't do it for you then I think this shoot starring Ben Todd might get your temperature rising and your pants feeling a little bit tighter :)
We've seen the Canadian hunk on the Gay Body Blog a couple of times before but I think this shoot by Lucas Ferrier for Mais Jr. is possibly the best one we've seen to date.
I admit I have a thing for Canadians, but then again I have a thing for plenty of nationalities when it comes to their sexy guys. In this instance you just know he's lovely as well as being gorgeous and sexy too - all Canadians are lovely, right? lol
We definitely need a little more flesh on display though, he's a bit of a tease and although I love to be teased I prefer it when there's a pay off :)
Check him out, appreciate his loveliness, imaging spending an evening with him, and then leave a nice comment at the bottom after giving him a thumbs-up too. Oh, and feel free to share this post around out there on the Internet.
Most importantly, enjoy your Monday!

He looks stunning!
Want him to marry me!
Awesome Stud!
Amazing !!
He reminds me a lot of John Pruitt. Very sexy.