Handsome And Buff Alex Cairns
So it seems the last post of pics with Alex Cairns had a few of you interested, and I thought you might appreciate some more of this handsome and buff hunk.
I saw this new shoot by Armando Adajar and was instantly impressed. I think this guy would probably always look good in any photo, but there's no doubt this photographer has delivered something incredibly sexy with this shoot.
He's kind of angelic looking, don't you think? He looks so young above the neck, and then from the shoulders down he's all man! And I probably don't need to say much about that impressive cock bulge he's showing off in this shoot either. It's one of those things that instantly grabs the attention.
The PIADO underwear definitely shows him of in a very sexy way, but I do have to wonder about the smoothing out of the photos. You can see there's some manipulation of the images here and it's a little too much for my liking. I get that photographers have a specific look they want to create, but I think this is one of those instances where the airbrushing and smoothing has gone a little too far in some areas.
Still, he's a hot guy in a sexy shoot, I expect some of you to comment with your gushing appreciation for him below the post :)

Damn! Love that body