Handsome And Athletic Nicholas Cunningham Is The Stuff Of Wet Dreams
How is it that we've never seen Nicholas Cunningham on the Gay Body Blog before? I don't know how this handsome and athletic man managed to escape my attention for so long, but now that I've seen him posing naked like this I think it's safe to say we're gonna be looking for more of this handsome guy.
I have a special appreciation for this sexy man. He looks a little bit like a guy I sometimes work out with, when I can be bothered to get my ass out of bed early enough to meet up with him.
He's one of those casual acquaintances I bump into a lot but I think he's a little shy and I think he knows I have a major crush on him.
Can you blame me? Imagine knowing a guy who likes like this and not being a little infatuated, it's not possible.
Nicholas Cunningham seems to have a lot in common physically with the guy I know. Do I even need to mention that long and dangling package suggesting an impressive dick and some low hanging balls?
I don't know if there are naked photos of Nicholas Cunningham showing everything, but you can be sure if they exist I'm going to find them for another post here.
Let me know what you guys think of him, leave a comment and hit that thumbs up button! Have a wonderful Thursday guys.

Oh yeah….classy, gorgeous, perfect, and lots of other positive adjectives!