Hairy Muscle Hunk Paolo Bellucci Likes To Tease

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We last saw Paolo Bellucci back in June being extremely erotic in an awesome post that contained a whole lot of cock. If you didn't see that, or his previous posts here, you should definitely click and take a look! Obviously, he's a reader favorite, and it's easy to see why. He's a good looking man with an awesome body, and he's really not at all shy when it comes to showing off that cock. While this shoot by photographer Joan Crisol isn't as revealing as previous posts, it's most definitely worth sharing and I know a lot of you guys will be taking your time with it and drinking in the sight of his sexy man. One of the best things about this shoot is his hairiness. He's had just about every level of fur you can imagine, from the smooth to the very slight ruggedness of short scruff over his chest, but for this one he's really showing off his unkempt side. He's changed his look quite a lot since we first saw him here back in 2014, and I think I approve :) Let me know in the comments what you guys think. Do you prefer him with shorter scruff or with the hairiness he's showing off in this shoot? Have a great Tuesday guys!

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6 years ago


6 years ago

He can pull off any look he chooses…but this furry one is the best, in my opinion. And his ASS!!! It should be criminal to have an butt that sexy. He is one of the most exotic men you’ve had on the blog.

2 years ago

At last a guy here I could really feel at home with- the perfect combination of muscle and hair. Sitting with his thighs spread does it all for me – even if he were yo have a small dick, I would happily overlook it.

James B.
James B.
2 years ago

Future husband Would not change a thing.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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