Hairy Muscle Boy Quinton Wynn!

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He's another gorgeous young man we have never had on the blog before, but one I know we're going to see again after checking out this awesome shoot.

He's one of those guys for all the fans of real muscled and slightly hairy hunks too, but although we usually see guys in their 30's and 40's showing off some fur it's totally hot to see a younger guy like Quinton Wynn showing off his unshaven chest!

Everything about this guy gets me horny. He's a good looking guy, his pecs are so impressive, his abs so incredibly sculpted and tight, his legs delicious, his arms big and strong... and do I need to say much about his bulge? Okay, lets just say that it's a teasing sight that I think we would all want to get a closer look at.

This is the kind of young man who has the ability to totally destroy my workout without even trying (when I can be motivated to get to the gym) completely distracting me from what I'm doing. If this guy were to walk past me in the gym I would probably just give up and go and have a shower within a couple of minutes lol

Even quicker if he was heading that way when he got my attention! :)

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9 years ago

Very sexy, love the hair. Hate it when guys wax their chests. Just the idea of running my hands thought it….

9 years ago

Whether waxed or naturally so, smooth skin is always preferable. I’ve also evolved from apes; don’t want to go back to sleeping with one.

That said, if this is as hairy as Quinton gets, I would not kick him out of bed. The muscle is solid and the fur doesn’t get in the way.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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