Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago

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I hope you're all enjoying your weekend! I plan to head out this afternoon to enjoy some sun and then go out for a couple of drinks tonight too. I think the summer is almost over and I'd better make the most of it while I can lol

Speaking of enjoying the sun, I found these pics of the sexy Rodiney Santiago, a guy we've had on the blog a couple of times now, and I wanted to share them with you guys. He's one of those men I know a lot of you like because of his fur, and I have to agree that the combination of rugged hair and muscle is such a turn on!

Of course, it goes without saying that his handsome good looks and his deliciously teasing package also go a long way to making these pics a little more special too.

The hairy hunk is posing in some swimwear from Ruf.Rod for this collection of photos, but the one taking the shots is unknown.

Of all the hairy hunk men I have featured on the blog before, Rodiney Santiago is one I would love to see in some adult content. Can you imagine him in a porn shoot? Woof!

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (1)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (2)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (3)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (4)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (5)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (6)

Hairy Hunk Rodiney Santiago (7)

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12 years ago

offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.ilove you.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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