Hairy Hunk Justice Joslin!

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There's a veritable ocean of smooth twinks and jocks out there in the male modeling business, but now and then a real hairy hunk comes along with something special. He's not covered in fur, but he has enough to make him stand out from the tanned and buff gym-toned clones we're so often bombarded with, and that's why I had to share him on the blog for you lucky guys to enjoy.

His name is Justice Joslin, an interesting name I think you will agree. Am I the only one who thinks that sounds like an American town? I can totally imagine a place like that being used as a setting for  Walking Dead or Banshee lol

He's a good looking guy, and I don't mean that in the same way I describe other professional male models out there who are good-looking in an obvious way. This handsome guy has a traditional sexiness about him that doesn't seem to need anything to support it.

While other guys need someone to do their hair and plaster on makeup, you can imagine this guy rocking up and getting changed and being ready immediately, because he doesn't need anything to make him gorgeous in front of the camera.

Enjoy your Sunday!

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