Hairy Hunk Bulge With Sexy Muscle Daddy Claiton Rosa

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I'm definitely in a muscle daddy mood today. After the threesome from Icon Male in the last post I was checking my emails and one of my buddies had sent me some pics of handsome and hairy hunk Claiton Rosa, and obviously he was a perfect addition for a day like today! I don't know what's going on. Some days it's all about smooth jock models and I seem to see them everywhere, then another day it's all about the twinks and I can't open a new tab without seeing smooth young guys getting it on. Then we have days like this, where masculinity rules and we get plenty of muscled and rugged hotness. I don't think we've seen Claiton Rosa on the Gay Body Blog before, but I think we might need to see more of him after enjoying this shoot by Rafael Medina. Obviously there's a lot to enjoy about this bearded and handsome daddy hunk, from his handsome face to that powerful body and those sexy abs, but one of the best things about him is that pretty impressive cock bulge he's packing into his little briefs. What are the chances he's appeared naked for another photographer? I think I'm about to go and find out :) Enjoy his pics, leave a comment, share the post around. Most important of all, have a fantastic Wednesday. hairy muscle hunk in bulging underwear sexy muscled and hairy man in underwear outside sexy hairy muscle man Claiton Rosa in white underwear in the sun Claiton Rosa underwear bulge male model Claiton Rosa laying in the sun in just underwear hairy muscle man Claiton Rosa in underwear in the sun handsome male model Claiton Rosa

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