Hairy Hunk Aspen Dominates Hot Jamie Steel

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How long has it been since we last had some hot action from the Next Door Raw site? I think it's been quite a while, but when I saw this new video with handsome and hunky Aspen totally dominating his lover Jamie Steel I thought it would make a perfect post to liven up your Sunday.

Of course, I'm assuming your Sunday is as sedate and boring as mine, I could be wrong. For all I know you might be reading this on your phone while tied up in a sex dungeon with a gimp mask over your head lol

Yes, there is definitely a very slightly theme of kink to this one, but let's be honest and just say that we would all love to be dominated by handsome Aspen.

The story here is that their therapist has suggested Aspen should explore his dominant side more in the bedroom, and of course his boyfriend is more than a little eager for that to happen :)

I remember when Aspen was new to the business (he hasn't aged a day) and he was so popular. I guess he still is, because I can bet a few of you will be clicking through to check him out using that raw muscle cock in lucky Jamie's tight little butt.

Check out some pics, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a great day! Don't forget to click for the video :)

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