Hairy And Hung Stud Dario Owen By Wolfgang Jager

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You might not be all about the length of a guys cock, you might say that size isn't everything and you might believe (as I do) that seeing massive dicks in gay porn all the time is a little bit tiresome. But, at the same time, you probably love seeing a great package on a great guy every now and then. I know I've made this comparison before but I think I need to say it again; I might love seeing a giant chocolate cake and imagine what it would be like to greedily gobble it all, but that doesn't mean I could, or that it would be any better than a chocolate cupcake :) Having said all of that, check out the incredible hairy and hung hunk Dario Owen. Photographer Wolfgang Jager is the lucky man sharing this handsome hunk with us in this pretty interesting and diverse collection of photos, really giving us a great look at every inch the handsome hunk has to show off. I've seen the gorgeous guy with a little less fur than he has in this shoot, and I have to say that although he looks younger in those other shots I prefer these images, and it's not just because he's showing off his massive cock. Do you want to see more of him? Let me know in the comments and I'll see what else I can dig up for you guys this week :)

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7 years ago

Fuck yes, more please, sir! Beautiful cock, face and fur 😉

7 years ago

Stunningly handsome. But I don’t even know what I’d do with that baseball bat.

7 years ago

Handsome beyond belief, with a gorgeous, perfectly muscled body, and then all that beautiful, masculine hair: He is my fantasy. Of course his cock is amazing, but frankly a little large for my taste (but I wouldn’t say “no” because of it).

1 year ago

Love the body. Want the cock.

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