Hairy And Handsome Luis Arias Has An Impressive Bulge

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So, the cycle continues. The weather has turned and after weeks of me bitching about the heat and sweating my ass off at my desk I'm now lamenting the end of Summer. lol

I think that's the only way in which I'm a stereotypical Brit.

Shoots like this one starring Luis Arias certainly heighten that feeling for me. You guys know I love a good shoot with a handsome hunk showing off some skin in the sun, and Luis Arias is definitely a fine specimen.

I was sure we'd seen him on the blog before, but it looks like I was wrong. I can tell you that after enjoying these photos by Kris Micallef I will be spending a little time after hitting publish looking for more of this guy. Has he been in any nude shoots? I guess we might find out soon enough.

He's a powerful and masculine looking stud and it's easy to see why a brand like Modus Vivendi would choose him to display their wares. You know that if you've got a package like that and it's backed up with a handsome face and a hot body you've basically got it made :)

Enjoy his pics, leave a comment and say hello, hit that thumbs-up button and feel free to share this post with your friends and followers on social media, they'll probably thank you for it.

Have a great Monday, don't work too hard.

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5 years ago

So many down – votes…what gives? This man is smolderingly (sure, that’s a word) hot. Dark, muscular, and handsome. WOOF.

3 years ago

Hot, masculine and Huge dick

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