Guilherme Pacheco, Junior Haikel & Lucas Gois Are Looking So Good!

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Handsome and hunky men Guilherme Pacheco, Junior Haikel and Lucas Gois make a great team for this amazing shoot by photographer Laércio Luz. Without going back through all the posts on the blog I am pretty sure I'm right when I say we've seen each of these men at one time or another, and they probably got a lot of good attention from you guys too. That's your cue to spread some love and leave a comment down below, and hit that thumbs-up button at the top :) It's a nice shoot for VIPADO, with an interesting setting too. You guys know I get a little "arty" sometimes, and you probably know that I love shoots that combine a harsh derelict environment with smooth and tight muscle. No wonder this shoot and this setting does something to grab my interest. The only downside to this is that they're all wearing far too much clothing. We all want to see this shoot again but with all three guys totally naked, right? Yeah, we're simple guys with simple needs. There's a lot of photos in this collection so I think I might be back here tomorrow with some more, stick around for that, and for a nude post too :) Have a lovely Friday, remember what I said in the last post about enjoying yourself this evening and spending some time with friends. It's been a rough week and you deserve to relax. guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-1 guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-2 guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-3 guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-4 guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-5 guilherme-pacheco-junior-haikel-lucas-gois-are-looking-so-good-6

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Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago

Brazilian hunks are the best!!!

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