Gregory Nalbone Naked – He Is The Manliest Man

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Are you ready for a veritable overdose of masculinity in this post? I'm not kidding either, when you see this guy and what he's offering in these sexy pics you'll have to agree that this guy might be one of the manliest men you have ever seen. This is the kind of guy you imagine has that musk about him the second you meet him, the kind of guy you just want to inhale after a session at the gym lol Although different in a lot of ways, he actually reminds me a lot of Benjamin Godfre. He has the same kind of wild style and creative energy. He's pretty daring and seems to love taking selfies and showing off for his fans out there - of which there are many! He has that specific kind of sexual aura I associate to guys like Godfre, and even Colby Keller. Very few guys seem to have it, but I think it's just an adventurous attitude, a love of sex and an eagerness to create things. It makes for a great combination. Again, I'm starting to ramble. I could really use someone here to slap me around the head when I start to do that. Anyway, enjoy his photos, stick around on the Gay Body Blog for a little more of him coming up in a more "mainstream" post. gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-1 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-2 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-3 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-4 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-5 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-6 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-7 gregory-nalbone-is-the-manliest-man-naked-8

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8 years ago

Love his egg-sized balls!

8 years ago

i’ve been loving this guy forever! tbh, the third and fourth ones are fake, but i don’t even care. lol!

mae west
mae west
8 years ago

OMG this guys man fur is so beautiful. Unfortunately the only photo worth sharing is the 1st one. What’s the point in posting such low quality pics in this day & age?

8 years ago

He works at The Eagle, a gay leather bar in NYC and in person he’s even hotter.

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