Greek Jock Christos Katsavochristos Is Back On The Blog!

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I have no idea why it's taken so long to have Greek jock model Christos Katsavochristos back at Gay Body Blog, but I know a few of you are going to be very glad to see him! The last time we saw him was back in 2019, but I know he's been modeling since at least 2017. He's changed quite a bit since the last time, he's a little leaner I think. Back then he was a slightly more muscled young man being a real sexy tease, this time he's showing off his bulge in some lovely undies for the Modus Vivendi brand. I don't want to get too arty with you all but can we mention how interesting the setting is? Photographer Panos Misailidis has placed Christos in a fascinating historical location. I'm actually surprised they were allowed to shoot there. Then again, they have so many ancient sites like this I guess you could just walk into many and start taking pics. Don't just take my word for it though. I don't want to see you getting arrested for disrespecting Greek history! He's looking great in this very artistic shoot. You can tell they were going for the Greek statue look, which is why he looks so serious lol I like it, he's a hot guy, he looks great in undies. Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button if you want to see more of this sexy Greek jock model. Have a great Wednesday! :)

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1 year ago

Hi, would like to get in ur undies and play get back

1 year ago

Right man in the right place : un délice !

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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