Gorgeous Raul Gallardo Gets Freaky For Halloween

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It's just my luck that after searching for a Halloween themed post to share with you for yesterday, and not discovering anything, I found one today. So, it's a day late, but I don't think you guys are gonna mind too much.

We're enjoying our second post featuring ridiculously hot Raul Gallardo.

We saw him for the first time in September and he was added to my special list of guys to check out again. Given the love he got from readers here it was inevitable that I would be looking for more.

Having said that, and even though this is a very topical and seasonal shoot, I can't say I like it as much as the previous one.

The last two photos are particularly graphic lol

Still, he's a gorgeous guy, with a hot body, and a big bulge!

I think a lot of you are going to enjoy these pics despite the theme.

And of course these photos are by Adrian C. Martin, one of our favorite photographers. I love it when he focuses on a new hot guy and delivers a few awesome shoots with them. I'm hoping he's taken a lot more photos with this handsome model and we might see some of those in the weeks and months to come.

Enjoy him, and happy Halloween, even though we're a little late :)

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3 years ago

Haha, why doesn’t he stick his probably big dick in a pumpkin?

3 years ago

Great pics, although just a day late.

3 years ago

The smile with the braces and the bucket of candy is adorable.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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