Gorgeous Nude Model Ronnie Kroell

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With an interest in performing and, I guess, fame in general, gorgeous Ronnie Kroell started out on his career and really gained some interest after appearing on the first season of Make Me a Model by Bravo, where he struck up a friendship with fellow contestant Ben DiChiara (lets face it, the guy is pretty cute, I don't think any of us would turn down that Bromance!)

Originally from Chicago, Ronnie Kroell might be really hot to look at, and he may be really sexy, but he also has brains too. It's not all about being pretty and hot in front of the lens y'know! lol

After studying and checking out his options in stage and screen performance he took a break after high school before attending Harper College and gaining an Associates Degree in political science. See, good looks and he can hold down a conversation too. :)

Although he came second on the show, this still thrust him into the limelight, and he quickly signed with Major Model Management in NY, subsequently strutting the catwalk for some major names in the fashion world including Philip Sparks, Loris Diran and Malan Breton.

And before you say it, yes, he is openly gay! Coming out at 15 when caught by his mother kissing another boy couldn't have been easy. But it just goes to show, you can appear naked in Playgirl even if you are a reality TV star, a professional male model and openly gay too.

Ronnie Kroell Ronnie Kroell - Modeling Ronnie Kroell - Showing Some Dick Ronnie Kroell - Nude Ronnie Kroell - Naked Ronnie Kroell - Hairy Muscle in the Shower Ronnie Kroell - Getting Hard and Horny

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13 years ago

You are very hot and sexy Ronnie 😉

James Blau
James Blau
13 years ago

Kept hoping on “Make Me a Supermodel” that “Bronny” would turn into something more than just “frat buddies,” but that was not to be. With this photoshoot you’ve gone from object of mancrush to object of out-and-out lust, especially with those package shots. Hot!

13 years ago

I tired to contact with everyone, it fails all the time, exceedingly exhausted.

David Storm
David Storm
12 years ago

Just beautiful. Have never seen him before but he is gorgeous.

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