Gorgeous Model Ryan Greasley Shows His Hot Jock Butt In TEAMM8 Underwear

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Happy Friday guys! It's time to check out some hot jock butt with a brand new model we've never seen before at GayBodyBlog. Once again I found this gorgeous hunk in my email inbox today and as soon as I had the chance to ogle Ryan Greasley I knew you'd appreciate him as much as I do. he's such a handsome man, with a great body. He's also cool with showing off his gorgeous ass in a sexy jock strap. It probably goes without saying that he's a fashion and fitness model. With a body like that you can't imagine him doing anything else, right? He's especially well suited to showing off in underwear, and sporty underwear even more so. I think he'd look great in some nice boxers, but seeing him flashing that hot jock butt in these jock straps from TEAMM8 is even more exciting. Even though I think we need to see more of that lovely bulge, we can tell he's got enough to really show off some underwear properly. I wouldn't say he's massively hung, but he's definitely got enough to really fill a pouch nicely. We all know how important that is for a model showing off some sexy underwear! :) I love the theme and setting for this shoot, too. While it probably is a set, it really does look like a 1950s small town locker room, doesn't it? Enjoy him, leave a comment below, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Have a great Friday and I'll see you back here tomorrow :) Handsome Ryan Greasley in the locker room for TEAMM8 Ryan Greasley Shows His Hot Jock Butt Sexy model Ryan Greasley posing in his jock strap Sexy male model Ryan Greasley Shows His Hot Jock Butt Ryan Greasley bulging in underwear Handsome Ryan Greasley posing in the locker room Ryan Greasley posing in the locker room Ryan Greasley showing his hot jock butt while posing in underwear

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2 years ago

I wish he showed us even more!

2 years ago

Jock is not a joke, and Ryan is not a fake

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