Gorgeous Model Romain Labard By Matthew Armand

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We saw some photos by Matthew Armand last month, with hairy and lean Romain Coupry showing everything for a very impressive shoot. I knew then that we'd need to see more from this photographer and when I went searching this morning I found another model of his I know you're going to love.

Get ready with those comments, you're gonna have some things to say about this young man!

Romain Labard is a 22-year-old French model and athlete with an amazing body, and all the confidence needed to show everything off in a sexy series of images that should have you all wishing you knew him.

His sexy smile, his boyish fresh faced looks, combined with a hot jock body and a great uncut cock too... what's not to love?

He actually looks a little familiar to me so I'm wondering if we might have seen him before and just not known his name. Perhaps there are other shoots out there featuring this gorgeous young man? There should be plenty.

I really like these simple shoots by Armand, they're all about the subject and his body, and the lighting is subtle and sexy, showing off that physique so well. I have to say I'm looking forward to seeing what else I might find from this photographer, and this model :)

Leave a comment, let me know what you guys think, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a great Tuesday!

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5 years ago

The sexiest picture is the first one! He’s lush in that pic! *melts*

5 years ago

It appears he’s married with a daughter born May 2, 2013. So, settle down guys; he’s probably so not available. But, yeah, Romain’s adorable.

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

Man oh man what as handsome guy and that thick fully FORESKINED cock and loose nutsac, yum, yum!

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