Gorgeous Michael Boston Watches Dr. Reece Rideout Fuck Muscle Jock Collin Simpson

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I once knew a couple who were seeing a sex therapist. They were a straight couple, and I really didn't get it, I kind of thought that it seemed a little strange and maybe there was something else to it. It turns out there was and the guy was visiting the therapist for some "one on one" assistance lol

This isn't quite that, but it's hot nonetheless.

Ridiculously hot Michael Boston is apparently having a little difficulty when it comes to sex, I guess he wants to dabble but he's not sure? It's something like that.

Gorgeous Dr. Reese Rideout is ready to help him out with some lessons in how to have some good manly fun with another guy, and he has big and beefy Collin Simpson to help him out with the lesson.

I'm gonna say that while it's damn hot to see Reece pounding big jock dude Collin, I was a little disappointed that insanely sexy Michael doesn't get involved. To be honest, I think it would have been pretty damn horny if he'd just jacked off to the live show Rideout and Simpson deliver for him, sucking cock and pounding raw ass until those cum wads are ready to splash out.

But what so I know? I don't write or direct porn, and this is only Part one of what I assume will be two or three videos. Maybe we'll be seeing Michael back for another lesson in dick pleasing after this? :)

It's still a damn hot video, the idea of being watched like that is something I know a lot of you like, you kinky buggers. lol

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