Gorgeous Men For Kurt R. Brown

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I hope you're all having a lovely Sunday. I'm taking it easy today (usually I do a little bit of work, but I really can't be bothered), I've started properly planning my summer and have a festival trip to arrange - which requires all kinds of things, mainly buying lots of camping gear from eBay lol

And while thinking about summer and looking for something to share with you guys today I found this gorgeous collection of handsome men with no clothes on, enjoying the sun, with their butts out! Of course I had to share these pics with you guys and let you enjoy them too :)

The photographer is Kurt R. Brown, a very lucky guy getting to spend some time with a bunch of handsome and fit hunks wearing nothing at all, enjoying the breeze on their balls and showing off in some sexy and seductive poses that will probably have most of you wanting to see more. That's okay, erotic photography is supposed to be sexy after all, and I think he's achieved that pretty well with these guys!

I don't know who any of them are, unfortunately. I know there are a few here we would love to see more of (and by a few I mean every single one of them).

Enjoy the pics, and excuse me while I go and check out some new tight underwear to show off while I'm sharing a tent with my straight friend for a weekend next month :)

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Hami Huss
Hami Huss
9 years ago

Awesome Pics

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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