Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis

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It's about time I shared some of the best work by a photographer, and one of the names on my list is Tom Cullis. There are a few photographers out there that really do some amazing work, and I honestly believe that Mr. Cullis is one of the best when it comes to his presentation of gorgeous men.

He does all kinds of work, and his style is really varied, but when it comes to snapping shots of some extremely handsome and well built guys he really knows what he's doing.

These are some of the shots I've found out there today accredited to him, and all of them deserve to be shared for their gorgeousness and the talent with which he's captured them.

I have my favorites in this collection of photos, of course, but I would love to know which of these photos does something for you and why. Is it the pose? Is it what he's wearing? Is it the theme? There must be a reason why an image resonates with you, and I'd love to see what it is about a pic that gets your attention.

I have to confess that my fave is the second one. I have a thing for sporty themes and really hot guys! ;)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (1)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (2)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (3)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (4)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (5)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (6)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (7)

Gorgeous Men By Tom Cullis (8)

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11 years ago

Model in the sand appears to be the most muscular of the bunch. Yum!

11 years ago

Love the second pic because it shows off the muscle definition in the model’s legs. The third pic of the same model is also super hot. There’s something really sexy about seeing a guy who looks like he’s been in a fight.

11 years ago

Love the last pic, too. That guy is just smokin’ hot!

11 years ago

His photography is always hot and so sexy. I particularly love his pics of hot studs in briefs, workout gear that show their bulge. So mouth watering – and so enticing, like unwrapping a Christmas present!!! Thanks for posting.

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