Gorgeous Hunk Daniel Garofali By Photographer David Picard

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What words would you use to describe the most handsome Daniel Garofali?

I'm sure you have many, but I wonder if you all have similar thoughts about him. Leave a comment below and let me know!

We've seen him on the Gay Body Blog quite a few times in the past and I think everyone agrees that he's worth seeing again and again, especially when he's showing off in some sexy underwear for a photographer like David Picard.

It's a shoot for La Maisons Simons, a simple one that just gives us plenty of the handsome hunk to enjoy. Of course, they're trying to promote their underwear, but there's no denying that we're all a little distracted by the hunk showing them off.

He's handsome, he's incredibly fit, and he has an underwear bulge that I think grabs the attention of every guy out there reading this.

That face is enough to turn a lot of men at least a little curious lol

In fact, I might be ready to say he's the most handsome man in Australia.

I know that's a hard claim to make. There are a lot of great looking guys there. But just look at that jaw, that chin, those eyes...

Could anyone claim he's not stunning?

I need to also mention the fact that he's smiling in one of these pic, it's glorious to see.

So many gorgeous male models always look so damn serious in their shoots and it's quite rare to see a genuine shot like that in a shoot like this.

I appreciate it, and I think you guys will too.

Check him out and leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, and share this post around out there too so all your friends and followers get the chance to enjoy him :)

Daniel Garofali is the most handsome Australian man we have ever seen
most handsome Aussie male model Daniel Garofali
a sexy look from most handsome hunk Daniel Garofali
Daniel Garofali shows his bulge in underwear
mode handsome Australian man Daniel Garofali
sexy Australian male mode in his underwear
gorgeous model Daniel Garofali smiling
sexy Daniel Garofali in striped boder briefs
model handsome Australian model Daniel Garofali
model Daniel Garofali in blue underwear

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7 years ago

He the a perfect man to be fucked by.

7 years ago

That intriguing bulge…

7 years ago

No new ground broken with the photography, but the model is gorgeous.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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