Gorgeous Bareback Jock Joey Takes On New Boy Gibson

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A few days ago I was debating on whether to share the pics from Gibson's solo on the Sean Cody site and for some reason I decided not to. If I'd known he would be back a couple of days later banging the cream out of stunning bareback jock Joey I probably would have! The young man is pretty damn fine, a smooth and fit young twunk (still don't know if I'm using that term correctly lol) who only just started exploring sex with other guys recently. I don't think he's had too much trouble finding someone to share some cock with him, but I'm wondering if most of his experiences so far have been oral and jerking off. Regardless of that, they couldn't have picked a hotter guy to give him a scene with. Joey is one of the most stunning guys in gay porn in my opinion. He's so handsome and built, he looks like he should be starring in a blockbuster superhero movie. Tell me you can't picture him playing Captain America or something! He's a superhero to me in this video, showing the new boy some moves, sucking that cock and taking every inch the young man can offer, leading to both blasting out some heavy cream by the end of it :) Click for their video, you're gonna want to see this one.

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6 years ago

Two great-looking guys!

6 years ago

Ugh… bareback 🙁

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