Gorgeous Ariel Vanean Bottoms For Sexy Marcel Gassion

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Allegedly it's hard to find top boys who are willing to fuck young Marcel Gassion, mostly because he's such a demanding bottom they don't know if they can deliver. I find that hard to believe, this young jock is damn gorgeous and I can't imagine any top wanting to pass up the chance to enjoy that ass!

Not that it matters too much in this new Bel Ami video, because it's gorgeous Ariel Vanean getting his hole filled by the boy.

Ariel is one of those incredibly hot guys who can do it all, he's a versatile guy who can gobble dick with the best and top or bottom to get those loads gushing.

Marcel has topped before, of course, but seeing him back to deliver that rigid bareback dick to another ass is definitely a treat that a lot of his fans are going to want to watch.

Check out some of the pics from their pairing and click here for the video. If you're new to what they produce there you're probably gonna want to go and take a look at plenty of the videos they've both been in before.

There's a lot to watch!

I'm definitely going to be seeing some of the fourgies and orgies these guys have both been in :)

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2 years ago

Hot scene and Ariel is stunning. However like every Belami scene for many months now, this scene is at least 8! Years old.

2 years ago

That smile when the ass is being eaten

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