Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire

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Although I cannot stand Golf, I would be willing to give it a shot if it involved hanging out with a golfing buddy like Connor Maguire or Brandon Lewis!

It has to be said that I don't usually associate handsome and hunky jocks like these two with such a game, but then again I supposed gay porn is already awash with football jocks, wrestlers, swimmers and other sporty activities, maybe the Next Door World site just wanted to mix things up a but and do something a little different?

What isn't different, however, is the way these two go at each others dicks when their meat is revealed for some pre-game pleasures. Both guys get plenty of hard jock dick to suck on as they swap their boners with each other, but it's Connor who needs a dick in more than just his mouth.

Brandon is the right one to fuck that jock ass too, his own still prick bobbing and twitching to get between those tight cheeks and show the guy what a hole in one really means - sorry about that, hey gave that stupid pun in the description for this scene on the site and I admit I chuckled to myself when I read it ;)

It's a hot scene with a couple of hot jocks, that's it, well worth watching!

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 1

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 2

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 3

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 4

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 5

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 6

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 7

Golfing Buddies Brandon Lewis And Connor Maguire 8

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