Going Gay With Marek+Richard

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I know what you're all gonna be thinking bout this shoot by Marek+Richard - "What a cute couple!" lol

It's the hunky Jake Genesis and the cute Seth Knight making the slightly odd couple - my opinion - for this shoot by the underwear brand. Funny though, the underwear is hardly featured. I guess the photographer might have been a little distracted or something ;)

It's one of those shoots that kind of mixes things up a little, in that I don't often see twink boys with muscled and hairy men in real life. I know it happens a lot in porn, but maybe I'm just not hanging out with the right crowds or something because it seems to me an unlikely duo. It's sexy though, and sexy is obviously what they were going for!

I'm not one to bang on and on about the styling of a shoot - hang on, yes I am - but I think this kind of 90's style is a little worrying. I know we're always recycling eras and being all "retro", but are we really up to the 90's now and bringing that back? I don't feel old enough to see all that neon wear and those baggy pants again. I was a grunge kid back then, so perhaps I'll just drag out my old leather and trash a pear of jeans, start wearing loose shirts over t's and invest in some old Doc Martens.

I guess it's the Axl Rose look or something? lol

So anyway, this is called "Gameboy" (I know, there are supposed to be connotations to that). I think that's what had me thinking 90's. That and the hideous B-ball caps. And yes, I have a favorite, the same as you, Jake Genesis. Man that dude is freakin hot!

Going Gay With Marek+Richard (1)

Going Gay With Marek+Richard (2)

Going Gay With Marek+Richard (3)

Going Gay With Marek+Richard (4)

Going Gay With Marek+Richard (5)

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11 years ago

Its amazing to see this smokin’ ex-cop’s career skyrocketing in is such a relatively short time…and now modeling an underwear line. Congrats and much continued success to sexy Jake G.!

11 years ago

There are more stunts this year than last year. It is not bad that innovation can make progress. Endeavor may not make success,but giving up leads to failure without doubt.go ahead guys!

9 years ago


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