Going Back To Black With Sexy Male Model Brent

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Looking like the result of a kinky collaboration between Madonna and Marilyn Manson, this amazing shoot by photographer Darren Black featuring male model Brent Black was obviously led by a very clear common surname.

I probably don't need to say how sexy this shoot is, nor how much I appreciate the style, look and feel of this collection of photos. This takes me back about a decade, to a time when I was enjoying the burgeoning alternative club scene in my city. Believe it or not, these places were often packed with goths, bikers and some incredibly sexy guys like Brent who were usually "curious" about all kinds of things. Man, I had a lot of fun back then lol

The 'All Black Everything' shoot was for TYPE/FACE magazine, and although it might be a blip in the fashion and editorial world (I'm no follower of the fashion business) I have no idea whether this heralds a return of everything sexy and Gothic. I'm really hoping it does, I have a whole closet of dark and sexy clothing that certainly deserves another outing!

I think I might need to investigate this a little more, fingers crossed I can still pull off the Interview With The Vampire look in my 30's! lol

No, I'm not even gonna try, bad idea.

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