Going A Little Country With Gorgeous Martín Sánchez Jr.

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Happy Friday! It's the end of another glorious week. I hope you have a good weekend planned. I have a friend's birthday to attend, even though there's snow on the ground and I generally hibernate when that happens.

I just can't miss out on the opportunity to enjoy some drinks and dance like a loon for a couple of hours.

I have a few great posts lined up for you this weekend, but this new shoot with ridiculously sexy Martín Sánchez Jr. might turn out to be the favorite.

We saw him last month, looking damn hot in a shoot for Tony Veloz, but even though those pics were deliciously good, I think this new collection by Cody Kinsfather might "out-sexy" that one.

It's all about that country dude look for me, I have to say. Put a hot dude wearing a hat in a field and I'm already won over. Seriously, just look at that ass! The only thing that could possibly make those first few pics hotter still is if he had jeans around his ankles lol

The rest of the shoot is pretty damn hot too, but I do wish there was more of him in that hat and cowboy boots.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button and share this post too if you get the chance! :)

Have a fantastic Friday.

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6 years ago

Yeah, I totally agree with you. So hot in the hat and boots. Makes the rest of the photos seem dull.

6 years ago

The leather pic is pretty HOT!

W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

What a sexy smooth and tan liked cowboy bubble ass on this handsome guy, Yee ha !

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