Glistening In The Sun With Alex Sanchez

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Happy Monday everyone! It's going to be a busy week for a lot of you, right? I'm assuming most of you guys are far more prepared for Christmas than I am, so well done for being an adult. I'm still looking at my list and haven't actually purchased any gifts yet. I do this every year and give myself far more anxiety than I need, but thankfully I seem to get it all sorted out before I have to resort to gas station gifts lol

Let me know in the comments if you've bought someone something you really wish you could keep for yourself :)

I have a lot of great hotties ready to share with you this week, so make sure you stick around, and leave a comment too if you have anyone you think we should see.

I'm kicking things off with the delectable Alex Sanchez, glistening in the sun for photographer Marco Ovando. I don't think we've seen him before on the blog, but I don't think it's because he's new to the business, there are other images of him out there which seem to be a few years old.

I actually couldn't find any real information about him because there's at least another two models with that name, but I can say that he's appeared for Andrew Christian.

That's totally understandable, he looks awesome in some tight little undies, although we would love to see him without them :)

Ogle his deliciousness, admire that bod, have some dirty thoughts if you must (and you must).

Let me know what you think in the comments, and hit that thumbs-up button too! Have a fab Monday :)

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6 years ago

YES. What a great example of a delectable Latin man. Sexy as hell.

6 years ago

soleil rouge, a great moment

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