Gilberto Fritsch Needs Your Undivided Attention

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Ah, Saturday. It's finally here after a dramatic week of chaos and nonsense. I don't think I'm the only one here right now thinking that a few beers are most definitely in order. Having said that, I think I'll be sharing a bottle of Jack Daniels with my sister this evening instead - I need a little more than mere beer. We need some distractions too, though. So, how about this sexy collection of pics starring handsome male model Gilberto Fritsch? Yes, he's another guy we probably should have seen on the Gay Body Blog at least a few times in the past already, but I think he might be a little new to the business. I sure as hell would have remembered him if I'd seen him before today. There's no one shoot that I could find to share with you guys today so I've grabbed a whole collection of random pics of the guy showing off that sexy body and teasing us with some underwear shots. We need more of him, right? We need to see at least one naked shoot with this sexy and handsome dude. I'll be spending a little time looking around out there later, in the hope there's more of him to share, but in the meantime enjoy these photos and make sure you leave a comment and let me know what you guys all think of him :) Have a lovely Saturday!

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7 years ago

That he does! Very nice!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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