Getting Wet With Sexy Frankie Cammarata

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I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here in the UK it's been pretty scorching recently, and that really makes me appreciate shoots like this wet and sexy example just a little more.

It's featuring Frankie Cammarata, someone we've seen on the blog once before, showing off his gorgeous fit young bod in an underwear shoot. I think we probably all agree that this one is sexier than that.

It's for Mens Health, and shot by photographer Milos Nadazdin, a man we are all instantly jealous of for having the chance to work with this guy.

My only complaint about this shoot is that he's wearing far too much in it. It would have been nice to see a little more flesh than we get, and I kind of feel as though they missed out on an opportunity to really show off his fine body when they had the chance.

No doubt this won't be the last time we see him though, I'm going to be out there later looking around to see what else this young man has done since we last saw him - hopefully there's a lot of shoots I've missed with this guy :)

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9 years ago

Ur have great body nice workout

1 year ago

Chicken fuck me baaby —

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