Getting Wet With Leonardo Brandão

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If you're not feeling horny right now, you will be after checking out these pics of Leonardo Brandão in this shoot by Lëo Castro. I know I'm not the only one here with a sporty fetish, and the swimming pool is one of those places that has some boner-inducing thing about it, just like the locker room.

I actually have a thing for hunks in the swimming pool. I know a guy who was training to be a personal trainer and doubled up as a lifeguard too, and when I knew he was working I used to go and swim there just to see him sat there in his shorts with his muscles on show ;)

He knew I had a thing for him, and he was a good friend too. But it meant that I got back into swimming for a while at least, until he changed his role there and was a fully trained PT. And yes, I considered fake drowning a couple of times just to have him come in and rescue me lol

If Leonardo Brandão was a lifeguard at my local pool I would be there every day, and I would probably fake drown every day too, until I was thrown out for being a nuisance lol

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (1)

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (2)

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (3)

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (4)

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (5)

Male Model Leonardo Brandão (6)

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12 years ago

No pics… What’s up?

Reply to  Tom
2 years ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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