Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape

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Don't you just love those photo-shoots that make you pause and go "WTF?"

This was one of those for me. But although I have seen all kinds of odd and peculiar shoots over the years, nothing really phases me these days. I mean, a lot of people might look at this and just not get it at all, but I can see they were going for the "suggestion" of winter without being obvious about it - they were, right? I'm not wrong am I? lol

But anyway, regardless of the slightly strange styling for the shoot (really, how do you "style" a model in an underwear shoot anyway?) the boys appearing in this one are hot, no doubt about that at all. I can't give you any names for this one, but I can tell you that the shoot is for the Priape brand and their Winter collection.

But that makes me wonder... why does underwear have seasonal collections? I mean, I get that a winter collection for a regular fashion brand would have jackets and sweaters and scarves, but unless these are all thermal underwear - which I highly doubt - what makes them season-specific? lol

Okay, enough of my bullshit. Enjoy the boys, drool and appreciate them in all their deliciousness.

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (1)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (2)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (3)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (4)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (5)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (6)

Getting Strange With Hot Boys From Priape (7)

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Pete S
Pete S
12 years ago

Love, love, love your blog. I _should_ read biz blogs, but yours is the one I have to keep up with! Especially appreciate your take on the photos, models, and photographers.

(BTW, and because only a friend will tell you, the word you were looking for is “faze,” not “phase.”)

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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