Getting Soapy With Sexy Paul Forman

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It's been almost three years since we last saw sexy Paul Forman here on the blog and I have no idea why.

Then again, I find myself saying that a lot and I never know why these hotties just disappear from my view.

I'm glad to see him back, though.

He's definitely become a little leaner since those first shoots, but he's still incredibly sexy.

I can tell you a little more about this sexy guy, too.

He's a British guy. I actually thought he was either British or Australian. You know how sometimes you can just tell?

He's also an actor. I don't think he was acting the last time we saw him but maybe that's why we haven't seen him modeling as much as he was back in 2019?

The gorgeous guy has actually appeared in quite a few notable things, including Riches and Emily in Paris.

I can't say I've seen anything he's been in, but I might have to check some of those things out. I wonder if he's shirtless in anything? lol

In the meantime, enjoy the sexy Paul Forman some more in these tempting pics by Anthony Julien Meyer, and let's hope we get a lot more of him in 2024.

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1 year ago

Eau très calcareuse : le savon paraît peu mousseux

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