Getting Naked In The Great Outdoors Is Always Fun, But Even More So When It’s With Big And Buff George Tsak!

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Happy Thursday everyone!

We're almost at the end of another week and once again I'm looking forward to a couple of days of relaxing. We're getting one more garden party done in time before the weather really turns so hopefully the rain will hold off.

In celebration of the last days of nice weather I present to you the glorious sight of handsome and hunky George Tsak, showing off his awesome body and lovely uncut cock for photographer V. Valeodis in the great outdoors.

We've seen Mr. Tsak a few times here at Gay Body Blog but it has been a while since we last checked out his awesome body and confident nudity.

He's one of those big and buff studs who really isn't shy about things. You can tell he definitely has an exhibitionist streak.

Given that he's clearly a gym enthusiast you can probably imagine he's one of those guys who likes to take his time in the locker room and showers :)

Can you imagine having this guy as a regular at your gym? I'd be there every day! lol

He's damn fine, and seeing as it's been more than a year since the last shoot we've seen of him I'm going to have to do a little searching and see what else we might have missed.

You all want to see more of him, right?

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, share the post, and most importantly have a lovely Thursday :)

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2 years ago

Just an average sized peen but there’s no denying he has a great physique.

2 years ago

What’s so cool about him is that he’s got an average-sized penis, the kind that doesn’t intimidate another guy too much. And that photo of him standing stretched on the rock – very arousing. A great looking guy.

2 years ago

so -too- serious, why?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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