Getting Dirty With Sebastian – Danijel Galic

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You know by now that I don't like it very much when a model only seems to have one name. I don't know why brands or their photographers do this, but it comes across as "we really didn't care enough to find out what his full name is". It might not be that, of course, but it just smacks of indifference to me.

All I know about this guy is that he's Sebastian, and he's photographed by Danijel Galic for Garçon Model. I love the masculinity of shoots like these, even if they are implausible lol

I think I've seen guys showing off their underwear in plenty of odd places during the time I've been blogging, from old Russian Nuclear sites, to Wild West Ghost towns to Fire stations - none of which are places you would generally see a man walking around in nothing but his tighty whities. So why would a garage or workshop be so unusual? lol

It's not like there are any health and safety aspects to consider ;)

If there was a garage near you where you could take your car to be checked by a hunk like him wearing as little as this, you have to admit you would suddenly start taking a whole lot more interest in the health of your engine wouldn't you? lol

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (1)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (2)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (3)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (4)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (5)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (6)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (7)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (8)

Getting Dirty With Sebastian - Danijel Galic (9)

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12 years ago

One also wonders how the white underwear manages to stay so spotless when the rest of his body is covered with “grease”

12 years ago

Sebastian is totally awesome hot! But that garage greased setting and look is so five years ago!

12 years ago

Sebastian is totally awesome hot! But that garage greased setting and look is so five years ago!

Reply to  NoNdInSite
12 years ago

Who cares ??? Yum !

joao roque
joao roque
12 years ago

vaya a la fama hombre bello… atrevete y muestrar este culo perfecto y velludo que tienes ademas de todos los atributos de uno de los hombres mas bellos que se pueda ver ahora ya mismo…animo.y ambicion querido….te falta estrategias…..suerte

joao roque
joao roque
12 years ago

vaya a la fama hombre bello… atrevete y muestrar este culo perfecto y velludo que tienes ademas de todos los atributos de uno de los hombres mas bellos que se pueda ver ahora ya mismo…animo.y ambicion querido….te falta estrategias…..suerte

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