Getting Dirty On Film

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Okay, this isn't what it might sound like from the title. I didn't mean to mislead you, but I think you'll like the results anyway. We may be in March right now, but I know a lot of you might not have managed to get your hunky male model calendar yet. There's a space on your wall somewhere, and it needs some beautification. So how about a calendar of hot and hunky young men getting al rough and dirty?!

One of my friends sent me a pic from this today, and I went out there to find some more. I was very pleased with what I found too!

So this is is called Calendario Modelos 2013, which I'm guessing basically translates as "Models Calendar 2013" - I know, it's very imaginative. ;)

The pics are by Marcos Domingo Sánchez, and he was obviously going for the whole "Roman warrior" theme, the gladiatorial style. I don't know why that's not reflected in the name of the calendar, but maybe I'm missing something?

None of this really matters though. What does matter is that it has a whole lot of handsome and sexy men all wearing very little and all posing in some very masculine images. It's the prefect way to tick off the days lol

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12 years ago

Where’s the rest of the months ?!?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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