Getting Corny With Fit Jock Oliver Spedding
If you think you're busy, spare a thought for handsome and hunky British guy Oliver Spedding. You know how most of the time a hot model like this guy is a personal trainer? Well, you won't be surprised to know that he is, but he's also a business owner, an actor, a singer and a footballer. There's probably another ten things he's good at but run out of space.
I know I can't be the only one focusing on his role as a footballer. I don't know what it is about those hotties in their shorts, but the moment I find out a hot guy like him is a footballer I start thinking about the changing room and showers. Come on, you know you're thinking about it too.
I'm reliably informed that Markus Brehm is the photographer responsible for these photos of the handsome and buff young man out in the corn field. He may be British but I think he plays the part of a sexy American country guy pretty well, don't you?
I can't say I like the ink, but that's just my personal preference. I don't have a problem with tattoos, as you all know, I just think that the whole "tribal" thing is overdone and pretty meaningless. I could be wrong, maybe it does mean something to him, but I just kinda doubt it.
Still, the overall package more than makes up for that, and I know I'm not the only one hoping there might be some naked shots of the sexy man out there somewhere.
Enjoy, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share this post around so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too. Most importantly, have a wonderful Wednesday, won't you?

Get out of the damned corn!