Getting Artistic With Alex Tripodi

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It's Friday! And it's about damn time. It's been one of those weeks for news geeks like me. I'm honestly really looking forward to a couple of days without anything shocking happening but something tells me I'm being a little too hopeful in that regard. Today is going to be fascinating, but I'm determined to distract myself from the news and Twitter, and I have some hotness to help me do that. One of my buddies sent me an email this morning with one pic of handsome and hunky jock model Alex Tripodi, and of course I was soon out there looking for more of the guy. This is the first time we've seen Alex Tripodi on the Gay Body Blog, but it also seems to be the first time he's stepped in front of the cameras for a photographer too. I don't think it's gonna be the last time we see him though, at least I hope not. He's a handsome and incredibly fit guy, and a little teasing too. This shoot by Manuel Scrima is a beautiful debut for the handsome hunk, augmenting some great photography with some artistic flair that I personally find pretty inspiring. Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments and hit that thumbs-up! Oh, and of course, have a fantastic Friday.

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7 years ago

Just present the model in his full glory. What’s with this arty farty nonsense?

Reply to  ramps
7 years ago

I totally agree. Why mar such beautiful photography with all that crap.

7 years ago

He’s stunning.

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