Getting A Little Camp With Muscle Man Kyle Pierce

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Okay guys, this might be one of the gayest photo shoots I think I have ever seen, but I'm allowed to say that being a gay man. It's a recent arrival by photographer Mitch Major, and I think the model is Kyle Pierce, I say I think because a friend sent me these pics in an email this morning and I had to do a little sleuthing to find a name to put to that face and body.

Kyle is a damn fine man though, buff and handsome. I don't know who he's with in this shoot, but whoever that guy is he's a lucky man.

I'm not too sure about the abundance of pink, or the flowers, but I kind of get it. Seeing a big muscular man like that does on the one hand make you pause, which then instantly has you thinking of all the muscle men you get at every Pride Parade around the world lol

It's a nice shoot, but it's definitely all about his body in my opinion. That's what we're here for though, so drink him in and enjoy!

Leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up if you feel inclined to do so, I'm going to be out there on the net later looking for more of this guy :)


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9 years ago

You know, this shoot is fairly camp. But, Kyle is so muscular that he is butch by definition and that is really all that matters.

Please find more pictures (naked gladiator comes to mind; cannot explain why), Conran. I cannot get enough of KP ; )

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