Get Rid Of Those Monday Blues – With Jimmy Blue!

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I know, that's a very lame title for this post, but I don't care I had to do it. Check out this new male model and brighten your Monday with his fit bod and his handsome good looks.

His name is Jimmy Blue, he's brand new to the male model scene and I think we might see a lot more of him in the future thanks to this shoot.

He's just started, and he's been photographed by Omar Merced for this little debut.

There are a few things that stand out in this shoot. First of all I like the way this isn't just another head and body shot for a portfolio, but I have to ask what the deal is with the train track setting. I guess he might be alluding to a bad boy story with that - from the other side of the tracks etc - but maybe I'm reading too much into it?

He also has a gorgeous smile. I love seeing a shoot with a dude like this actually looking happy in a photo. There are so many serious shoots out there with guys who constantly look as if they've just been told their puppy died, it gets a little boring.

And, can I just say that he also looks like he would look good on a gay porn site. Admit it, he has that look about him :)

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Reko Herrero
Reko Herrero
9 years ago

Dear Gay Body Blog,

I came across your blog a few months ago. And, I immediately loved your blog. You did great by posting Jimmy Blue on a Monday. Because he definitely chased my Monday blues away.

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
9 years ago

I think it is a bad idea a very very pretty boy with underwear, because we are dreaming he hasn’t

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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