German Muscle Boy Tim Laurenz Has A Big Package!

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It's not often I describe a guy as being angelic, but I think that applies to German muscle boy Tim Laurenz.

This gorgeous young hunk appeared in my emails this morning and I admit I spent a little too long just admiring his images.

I do that quite a lot on social media, too. If I see a stunning man I want to know more about I can quite easily be distracted from every task I need to get done and instead fall into a rabbit hole lol

It's not such a bad thing, especially not when we have hotties like Tim to hijack our time.

I know a little about him.

The German muscle boy is a social media show off, and of course he's on OnlyFans.

He started out when he was 18. Yeah, he seemed to know what he wanted to do and he wasn't shy about doing it!

Photographer Dennis Steinberg is the one taking these sexy snaps of the gorgeous young hunk, looking damn fine in his snug underwear.

This is a young man who knows what he's got and he's not reluctant about sharing it with the world. I think this means we're going to be seeing a lot more of him, and his big package.

I'm looking forward to it!

Check out Tim, leave a comment, and hit the thumbs-up button. Share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him :)

We're gonna have to see more from this photographer, too. If this is the kind of model and classy style they like to deliver Dennis is our kind of man!

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Um Brasileiro
Um Brasileiro
6 months ago

Lindo (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

6 months ago

je ne comprends pas l’usage d’images aussi peu nettes ou un rien tantinet “sales”

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