George Hadjinicodemou Has A Big Jock Daddy Bulge

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Happy Monday! How have you spent your morning? I just spent at least ten minutes of mine attempting to pronounce George Hadjinicodemou's name. I think I failed but you have to try these things to make progress, right?

This is the first time we've seen this handsome jock daddy and his big bulging package, but if I have my way (and I usually do) this won't be the last time we enjoy him.

While me might not know a whole lot about this handsome and athletically built hunk I can tell you that he's from Cyprus, and that he's a personal trainer.

I guess that second part was blatantly obvious.

He looks so good in this shoot by photographer Stavros Christodoulou, whether he's in his shiny shorts or showing off that big package.

I do wish we had the chance to see him in some baggier boxer shorts, though.

Something tells me he needs to wear snug undies like this to keep everything under control while he's working :)

Enjoy him, let me know in the comments if you want to see more of him even though I think I know the answer already.

Have a lovely Monday!

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3 years ago

Yeah, the fourth pic from thr top with his bulge is the most intriguing…

3 years ago

He looks so strict, as if he doesn’t have any fun in his life!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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