Gay Wrestler Sex

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Of all the subjects we've discussed on the blog some stand out more than others. Like the debate we had over the gayest sports, with Wrestling being asserted as perhaps the most homoerotic sport on the planet.

So I guess we all know that there are a few sites out there that recognize this fascination and film their guys getting into some hot gay wrestler sex, and one of those sites to do it pretty often is the Next Door Buddies site.

I was checking out some of their videos last night and thinking about what to share with you guys today, and I knew I had to get this hardcore shoot on here for you all to get off to.

I guess I should admit pretty early on that I'm a sucker for Tyler Torro. I've got off to this guy plenty of times now, and when I saw his first jerk off video I was hoping back then that he'd end up sharing that jock body with some of the other guys.

And Rick McCoy is just as horny too, especially his perfect and pale jock butt!

I probably don't really need to tell you about the action in this gay wrestler sex shoot, you can predict what's going to happen, right? Still, it's horny as hell to see guys like this really going at it and showing what probably happens in private with young college wrestlers all over America lol

Okay, it might be a fantasy, but it really turns me on to imagine it does happen! ;)

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12 years ago

Tyler is definitely my favorite from Next Door. I can’t get enough of him! Love his actions and how he looks!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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