Gay Roommate Sex, With A Sneaky Plan!

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I've seen a whole lot of gay roommate sex in porn over the years. I've read a lot of stories about it too.

Most of it is the same, but this new video from ASGMax adds a sneaky storyline to the fun!

Michael Jackman is a little bit of a pervert, spying on his massively muscled roommate Kyle Fletcher in the shower.

I can probably dare to guess most of you would love such a free show if he was your roommate.

Clearly he's not the kind of guy who would care about that, which is soon proven when Michael puts his plan into action.

He sneaks off to shut off the water to Kyle's shower, leaving the massive hunk confused and soapy.

What could be misconstrued as an innocent prank is soon revealed to be a very clever ploy. Kyle seeks out his buddy's shower instead and finds Michael in it.

It's not unusual for a couple of buddies to share a shower. I've shared showers with straight buddies before.

Kyle obviously just needed the opportunity.

These two are soon enjoying some awesome gay roommate sex with the big guy sucking cock and riding that big dick!

See what I mean about the story? I don't know who comes up with their scenes but they've obviously got a great imagination :)

Enjoy some of the pics and click here to see Kyle being very easily persuaded into sucking and riding his good bro!

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Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
4 months ago

I wouldn’t mind a roommate like that. Damn!

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